Branch Manager Magic and How to Find It

Chapter 7
As brokerages get bigger and more sophisticated, the branch manager role is becoming even more vital than ever, and great branch managers are difficult to find and harder to keep. Branch managers are responsible for many key responsibilities including recruiting, retention and overall sales growth. This chapter provides a deep dive into their role, how to find talented branch managers, which remain key to navigating growth and maximizing profits.
Total Pages: 20
Published 2022

Branch Manager Magic and How to Find It

Chapter 7
As brokerages get bigger and more sophisticated, the branch manager role is becoming even more vital than ever, and great branch managers are difficult to find and harder to keep. Branch managers are responsible for many key responsibilities including recruiting, retention and overall sales growth. This chapter provides a deep dive into their role, how to find talented branch managers, which remain key to navigating growth and maximizing profits.
Published 2022
Total Pages: 20
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